Sweetwater County, Wyoming - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

You are NOT on the Sweetwater County official website, you are on Deeds.com, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.

The County Clerk is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property situated in Sweetwater County.

Recording Fees

As per Wyoming Statute 18-3-402 (XVI), effective July 1, 2013:

To record the first page of a document, the fee is $12. Each additional page is $3.

For an instrument with more than 5 grantors or grantees of a different surname, a $1 fee will apply to each additional name.

For each section, lot, block, or tract in excess of 10, a $1 fee will apply to each additional description.

For any instrument containing more than 2 real estate descriptions by book and page, there is a $2 fee for each additional reference.

Document Formatting Requirements

- The execution of deeds, mortgages, other conveyances of land, or any interests in lands shall be acknowledged by the party or parties executing it, before any notarial officer.

- The address of the grantee or mortgagee must be furnished to the county clerk before the instrument can be recorded.

- When a deed transferring legal or equitable title to real property is presented to the county clerk, it must be accompanied by a statement under oath by the grantee or his agent disclosing the name of the grantor and grantee, the date of transfer, date of sale, legal description of the property transferred, the actual full amount paid or to be paid for the transfer, terms of sale, and an estimate of the value of any non-real property included in the sale.

- Documents should be submitted on 8.5x11 inch white paper. The font size should be a minimum of 12 point. The text of the document should be printed in black ink.

- If a deed contains a metes and bounds legal description, and a map delineating the land has already been recorded, the deed may make reference to the recorded map.

- If a person is presenting a document for recording that is legible but not sufficiently clear, the clerk may require that person to produce a readable copy, or the clerk may prepare a true copy by handwriting or typing and attach it to the original as part of the document. The county clerk shall charge a fee of 50 cents per 100 words for preparing a true copy.

Statement of Consideration:

An instrument cannot be recorded with the county clerk unless it is accompanied by a fully completed and sworn Statement of Consideration. It is the responsibility of the buyer or buyer's agent to fully complete the Statement of Consideration.

If an exemption applies to the transaction, submission of a Statement of Consideration is not required by law; however, the submission of a statement that is complete through Part C with a signature under Part E may avoid the necessity of the county assessor contacting the buyer (or agent) to confirm applicability of an exemption. If you choose to provide a statement for an exempt transaction, check "Yes" under the exemption question (Part C) and circle the appropriate number to indicate which exemption applies.