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The Register of Deeds handles the recording of deeds, mortgages, tax liens, old age assistance liens, articles of incorporation, plats, and other real estate transactions. To be binding upon all parties, these documents must be recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds. Financing Statements, Security Agreements, Bills of Sale and Vital Statistics records; such as births, deaths, marriages and Veteran's Discharge Papers are also filed in this office.
Recording Fees
To record a deed, mortgage, or other real property document, there is a flat rate fee of $30 per document regardless of the number of pages.
The transfer fee is $3 per $1000 of the real estate value.
A Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Return (completed with proper fee paid or a transfer tax exemption number) is required for deeds, land contracts, and other instruments of conveyance. File the form electronically online with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
The recording fee must accompany the deed and the transfer return receipt when recording.
Document Formatting Requirements
* Documents should be printed on white standard weight paper, and should be letter or legal sized.
* Printing should be in black ink, with a minimum font size of 12 point.
* The entire document must be legible and reproducible.
* A 3x3 space in the upper right hand corner of the first page of the
document should be left blank to accommodate the official recording stamp.
* Every other page has a minimum top margin of an inch. Other margins are a minimum of of an inch.
* The name and return address must be either directly under the 3-inch recording area or on the left side of the page and within the top 3 inches.
* The parcel identifier number must be directly under the return address.
* Original signatures must be notarized or authenticated.
* The name of the document drafter needs to be included. This should be at the bottom of the first page.
* The Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Return should be completed and with proper fee or exemption number for deeds and land contracts.
* If the document refers to a specific parcel of land, a complete legal description should be included. A complete legal description can consist of:
- A subdivision name or Certified Map Survey number if the parcel is platted.
- Lots and/or blocks if the parcel is platted.
- For unplatted land, then metes and bounds tied into the Public Land Survey System.
- Public Land Survey information: Quarter Section or Quarter/Quarter Section, Section Number, Town Number, or Range Number.
- Municipality
- County
The transfer form must to be completed electronically. Once the transfer return form is filled out correctly, the website will issue a receipt to print off and send in with the deed.