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The Land Records Division of the Circuit Court records documents for property transactions in Fairfax County and Fairfax City.
Over-the-counter documents cannot be left overnight and customers must be present when their documents are being recorded in case any questions arise.
The recording line closes promptly at 3:00 pm. Documents received prior to 3:00 pm will continue to be processed until 4:00 pm, at which time any unrecorded portion will be returned to the customer.
Properties located within the City of Alexandria must be recorded with the Alexandria Circuit Court, and those located in the City of Falls Church with the Arlington County Circuit Court.
Recording Fees
A deed is $21 for a 1-10 page document; $35 for 11-30 pages; and $55 for 31 or more pages.
There is an additional $20 processing fee for deeds as well as a $1 transfer fee. There is no charge for indexing additional names.
The open space preservation fee is $1 on every original and corrected deed for property located in Fairfax County. This is not assessed for property located in Fairfax City.
The state taxes are $0.25 per $100, rounded to the next highest $100. The county taxes are $0.0833 per $100, rounded to the next highest $100.
The grantor taxes are $0.50 per $500, rounded to the next highest $500.
The regional congestion relief fee is $0.15 per $100, rounded to the next highest $100.
For additional information, see supplemental documents and/or contact the local land records office.
Document Formatting Requirements
All documents must include the Fairfax Land Records' cover sheet (see supplemental forms for info sheet with link or go directly to the county website).
* Documents presented for recording must be originals, signed, and notarized.
* Documents presented for recording must be for real property located in Fairfax County or Fairfax City.
* Deeds must include a legal property description or property address.
* Notarized documents must include the notary expiration date, the location of the act (i.e. Commonwealth of Virginia), and an acknowledgement statement.
* In the first clause of the deed, each grantor and grantee name under which the document will be indexed must be given. When each grantor and grantee is first named in the document, their last names must be underlined or capitalized. This is only for the first usage. The names of all grantors and grantees must be listed in the document.
* When claiming an exemption from recordation taxes, appropriate references to the Code of Virginia are required on the first page. The Code sections relating to recordation taxes start at section 58.1.
* For all deeds or instruments conveying or relating to an interest in real property, a tax map number is required. The tax map reference number should be typed or written in the left-hand margin of the first page of the document.
* Documents must be originals or a first generation printed form or legible copy thereof.
* Pages must be numbered sequentially on all documents.
* Documents must be on white paper that is unglazed. Print should be black, solid, and uniform throughout the document. Print size must be 9 point or larger.
* Paper size should be 8.5 x 11 inches or 8.5 x 14 inches.
* Margins must be a minimum of one inch on the top, left, and bottom. The right side margin must be a minimum of 1/2 inch.
* On the first page of all documents, the return name and address or a Land Records' box number must be provided. For documents that have been mailed in, be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope of appropriate size.
* The consideration and the assumption balance (if applicable) should be typed or written in the left margin of the first page of all deeds.
* All signatures must be original and signed in ink and notarized. Names must be printed underneath the signature. Court certified copies are acceptable with the appropriate clerk signature and seal.
* On the first page of the document, the name of the individual person or firm that prepared the document must be given. Papers or documents prepared outside of the commonwealth do not need a preparer's statement.