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The Register of Deeds is responsible for recording and maintaining records for real property located in Meigs County.
Recording Fees
Chapter 21 - Fees Charged
Part 10 - Registers
8-21-1001. Registers
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
$5.00 each additional instrument and/or document
$3.70 (per thousand) State Conveyance Tax
$1.00 Register Fee (if State Conveyance Tax applies)
Deed of Trust:
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
$1.15 (per thousand) State Mortgage Tax (1st $2,000.00 exempt)
$1.00 Register Fee (if State Mortgage Tax applies)
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
$5.00 each additional reference
$1.15 (per thousand) State Mortgage Tax (if increasing indebtedness, exemption does not apply)
$1.00 Register Fee (if State Mortgage Tax applies)
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
$5.00 each additional reference
$1.15 (per thousand) State Mortgage Tax applies if assigning from exempt agency to non-exempt agency
$1.00 Register Fee (if State Mortgage Tax applies)
Correction or Re-recorded Document:
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
Full/Partial Release:
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
$5.00 each additional reference
$15.00 each additional fixture reference
Power of Attorney:
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
Notice of Completion, Greenbelt, Judgment:
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$ 5.00 each additional page
Secretary of State Documents (Charters, Mergers, etc):
$7.00 first five (5) pages
$0.50 each additional page
UCC Fixture Filing:
$15.00 first ten (10) pages
$0.50 each addtional page
$1.15 (per thousand) State Mortgage Tax (1st $2.000.00 exempt)
$1.00 Register Fee (if State Mortgage Tax applies)
$15.00 each additional debtor
$15.00 each additional document
UCC Termination and Continuation:
$15.00 filing fee
$15.00 each additional reference
Court Decree (certified and sealed copy from court):
$12.00 first two (2) pages
$5.00 each additional page
Certified Copy:
$1.00 per page
Regular Copy:
$0.15 per page
Plat Copy:
$1.00 per page
Mailed Copy:
$0.50 per page
Cash, checks, or money orders are accepted forms of payment. A self-addressed stamped envelope is required for all documents processed by mail.
Contact the county's Register of Deeds directly for more information on recording fees and payment methods.
Document Formatting Requirements
* Documents can be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch white paper or 8.5 x 14 inch white paper. Submit originals or certified copies of originals.
* The first page of the document shall have a top margin of 3 inches, a bottom margin of 3 inches, and 1 inch side margins. All other margins can be 1 inch.
* All proper parties must sign the document and have their signatures notarized. The notary acknowledgment must have the names of the parties who have signed the document, the signature of the notary, a notary seal, a corporate or individual acknowledgment, the date of acknowledgment, and the notary expiration date.
* Deeds must contain a recital designating the deed, will, court decree, or other source from which the grantor received the equitable interest. If the source of equitable interest is a deed or other previously recorded instrument, the new document shall give the type of instrument, office, book, and page number. If no
such instrument has been recorded, this shall be stated on the deed.
* Include the name and address of the property owner, as well as the name and address of the person or entity responsible for the payment of real property taxes. Provide the name and address of the grantee.
* The name and address of the preparer of the instrument should be on the first page.
* At the end of the legal description of the property, include the name, license number, and address of the surveyor who prepared the boundary survey from which the description was prepared.
* Include the tax assessor's parcel number of the property.
* A notarized Oath of Consideration must also be filled out. This form needs to be signed and submitted with the deed as an attachment.