New Hampshire Recorders Information

Register of Deeds

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Recorder information for New Hampshire. Real property records are maintained by the recorder in the County where the property is located.

Real estate deeds that transfer property in New Hampshire can be recorded to provide constructive notice of the transfer. In most cases deed documents are recorded in the County where the property is located.

According to New Hampshire recording statutes, every deed or other conveyance of real estate or instrument which affects title to any interest in real estate shall be recorded at length in the registry of deeds office in the county or counties where the land lies. An instrument will not be effective as against bona fide purchasers for value unless it is recorded.

No deed of bargain and sale, mortgage, other conveyance of real estate, or a lease for more than seven years from the making thereof, shall be valid to hold the same against any person but the grantor and his heirs only, unless such deed is acknowledged and recorded.