Saint Louis County, Missouri - Recorder Information

Register of Deeds

You are NOT on the Saint Louis County official website, you are on, a private website that is not affiliated with any government agency.

The Recorder of Deeds is responsible for maintaining real property records in Saint Louis County.

Recording Fees

The fee for recording is $24 for the first page, $3 for each additional page.

Number of Pages........Cost to Record

Non-standard fee, if applicable: $25 in addition to recording fee

Copy Fees:
$2 for the first page plus $1 for each additional page
Certification - $1 per document

Document Formatting Requirements

Deeds submitted for recording must follow county requirements in order to be properly recorded and to avoid extra fees. For any document submitted for recording purposes, the original notarized document needs to be presented to the recorder. The original notarized copy will be returned within 3 weeks of the recording date.

Documents should be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch white or light colored #20 paper without watermarks or logos.

It should be printed in black or dark ink, and should not have double-sided printing. Do not include any binding on forms presented for recording.

The typeset requirements are 8-point font minimum (8-point type=10-point computer). Nonessential information within any margins is exempt from the font size requirements.

The signatures should be in black or dark ink to guarantee reproduction. Additionally, all signatures must have the name typed, stamped, or printed underneath.

If a document requires attachments, these may not be stapled or taped, other than a securely attached bar-coded label or to evidence that which is required by law. Please note that "attachment" refers to additions to a document page, and does not refer to exhibits.

Margin Requirements:
* On the first page of each document, there should be a 3" vertical space from left to right.
* There should be a minimum of a 3/4" margin for all other margins (right, left, and bottom) on the first and subsequent pages.
* The minimum font size is 8-point standard font, but this does not apply to nonessential information contained within the margins. The Recorder is not liable or responsible for insuring that nonessential information is archived.

For documents (except plats and surveys) containing any of the following items, this information should appear on the first page of the document below the 3" margin:

1. Title of the document
2. Date of the document
3. Names of grantors
4. Names of grantees
5. Any statutory addresses
6. Legal Description
7. Reference book and page number(s) if required

If sufficient room is not provided on the first page, the page in the document containing the information should be stated on the first page. If at least one of the required fields begins on the first page, it will meet the first page requirement so long as the required fields continue uninterrupted to subsequent pages.

A cover page is not required, but if presented, it will be recorded as the first page of the document. The cover page will be treated as the first page, and thus must have the 3" top margin and remaining " margins. The cover page must include the required first page information.

* All documents that transfer real estate ownership must be accompanied by a Certificate of Value form at the time of recordation.
* The Certificate of Value form must be filled out by the buyer or their agent.
* The full consideration paid (total sales price) must be listed on the form.
* The penalty for failure to file a Certificate of Value form is $500 or 1% of the selling price, whichever is greater.