Oklahoma Mechanics Lien Waiver

Oklahoma Mechanics Lien Waiver Image
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Waiving a Mechanic's Lien in Oklahoma

Lien waivers are used to preemptively give up lien rights in exchange for inducing a payment. In Oklahoma, the legislature has not provided for any required form of a lien waivers, so common law principles of contract allow for the parties to use a form that suits their needs, as long as purpose of the document (waiving a lien) is made clear.

The lien waiver form contains information about the lien claimant, property owner, amount of payment, and a description of the labor or materials furnished. Once the document is signed and recorded, lien rights are waived in accordance with the payment amount. Therefore, it is of vital importance to verify that payment has been made before signing any lien waiver.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the advice from a legal professional. If you have questions about using a lien waiver, or any other issues related to liens in Oklahoma, please consult with an attorney.

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