North Dakota Notice of Lis Pendens

North Dakota Notice of Lis Pendens Image
Select County Where the Property is Located

Lis Pendens Latin for SUIT PENDING

Use this form to notify the world that a case (civil or criminal) is pending affecting real property. (From the time of filing only shall the pendency of the action be constructive notice to a purchaser or encumbrancer of the property affected thereby, and every person whose conveyance or encumbrance is subsequently executed or subsequently recorded is deemed a subsequent purchaser or encumbrancer with notice and is bound by all proceedings taken after the filing of such notice to the same extent as if that person were a party to the action.) (ND 28-05-07. Lis pendens - Effect.)

A Notice of Lis Pendens is filed in an ACTION FOR PARTITION OF REAL PROPERTY.
(Immediately after filing the complaint in the district court, the plaintiff must record in the office of the recorder of the county, or of the several counties in which the property is situated, a notice of the pendency of the action, containing the names of the parties, so far as known, the object of the action, and a description of the property to be affected thereby. From the time of filing such notice for record, all persons shall be deemed to have notice of the pendency of the action.) (32-16-04. Lis pendens required.)

28-05-09. When Lis Pendens not required.
A notice of the pendency of an action in a district court is not required if the action is for the foreclosure of a mortgage.

28-05-10. When civil action deemed pending.
A civil action in a district court is deemed to be pending from the time of its commencement until its final determination upon appeal or until the time for appeal has passed, unless the judgment is sooner satisfied.

(North Dakota Notice of LP Package includes form, guidelines, and completed example) For use in North Dakota only.

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