Download New Hampshire Release of Mechanic Lien Forms

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New Hampshire Release of Mechanic Lien

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Releasing a Mechanic's Lien in New Hampshire

Mechanic's liens are governed by Chapter 447 of the New Hampshire Statutes.

Use a lien release form when a filed mechanic's lien is no longer needed because the underlying obligation has been paid off, the claim has been settled between the parties, or for any other valid reason.

The lien created by RSA 447:2-7, inclusive, shall continue for 120 days after the services are performed, or the materials, supplies or other things are furnished, unless payment is previously made, and shall take precedence of all prior claims except liens on account of taxes. NH RSA 447:9. Therefore, the release can be used to officially cancel a lien after the expiration of time. Any compelled release will not be recognized unless it was made in consideration of payment on the underlying claim.

In addition to meeting all local standards for recorded documents, the lien release identifies the parties, the location of the work, recording information for the filed lien, and relevant dates and amounts. Once completed and notarized, the claimant submits the release form to the same office where the lien is on file.

This article is offered for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. This information should not be relied upon as a substitute for speaking with an attorney. Please speak with an attorney familiar with lien laws with questions regarding lien releases, or for any other issues related to mechanic's liens in New Hampshire.

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