Download New Hampshire Discharge of Mortgage Forms

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New Hampshire Discharge of Mortgage

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The Mortgagee/Lender generally has 60 days to satisfy/discharge a mortgage (after said mortgage is satisfied and having reasonable charges tendered to the mortgagee). [Said discharge shall be in the form of a written document and shall be signed by the mortgagee, his executor, administrator, successor, or assign whose signature shall be witnessed or acknowledged]. (N.H. Rev. Stat. 479:7 (II)), [N.H. Rev. Stat. 479:7 (I)]

After 60 days a Discharge by Affidavit is used.
(I. Notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 479:10, if such mortgagee fails to make such discharge of the mortgage within 60 days from receipt of payment of the mortgage in accordance with the payoff statement furnished to the mortgagor by the mortgagee, an attorney-at-law licensed to practice in the state of New Hampshire may, on behalf of the mortgagor; the mortgagor's executor, administrator, assignee, transferee, or other successor in title; or the mortgagee of the mortgagor's transferee or other successor in title; execute and cause to be recorded in the registry of deeds in which the mortgage is recorded, an affidavit which states that:) (479:7-a Discharge by Affidavit.)

(New Hampshire Discharge of Mortgage Package includes form, guidelines, and completed example) For use in New Hampshire only by Mortgagee/Lender.

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