Montana Deed of Trust and Promissory Note

Montana Deed of Trust and Promissory Note Image
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A Deed of Trust with Trust Indenture Under the Small Tract Financing Act of Montana is the preferred form of financing in Montana for properties not exceeding 40 acres and under $500,000.00 in financing.

71-1-302 Policy- Because the financing of homes and business expansion is essential to the development of the state of Montana and because financing of homes and business expansion, usually involving areas of real estate of not more than 40 acres, has been restricted by the laws relating to mortgages of real property and because more financing of homes and business expansion is available if the parties can use security instruments and procedures not subject to all the provisions of the mortgage laws, it is the public policy of the state of Montana to permit the use of trust indentures for estates in real property of not more than 40 acres as provided in this part.

This form includes the Power of Sale clause, which allows for a non-judicial foreclosure, saving time and expense, in general:
Non-judicial foreclosure takes (130-180 days) compared to @1 year -- judicial foreclosure
In a non-judicial foreclosure Borrower has no right of redemption vs. an additional year beyond a judicial foreclosure.
Typically, no frivolous lawsuits filed to slow down a non-judicial foreclosure vs. common in a judicial foreclosure.
Typically, no deficiency judgement upon completion of sale in a non-judicial foreclosure vs. deficiency judgment used in judicial foreclosure.

71-1-304 Trust indentures authorized -- power of sale for breach in trustee
(1) A transfer in trust of an interest in real property of an area not exceeding 40 acres may be made to secure the performance of an obligation of a grantor or any other person named in the indenture to a beneficiary. However, a trust indenture may not be substituted for a mortgage that was in existence on March 5, 1963.
(2) When a transfer in trust of an interest in real property is made to secure the performance of the obligation referred to in subsection (1), a power of sale is conferred upon the trustee to be exercised after a breach of the obligation for which the transfer is security.
(3) A trust indenture executed in conformity with this part may be foreclosed by advertisement and sale in the manner provided in this part or, at the option of the beneficiary, by judicial procedure as provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property. The power of sale may be exercised by the trustee without express provision in the trust indenture.
(4) If a trust indenture states that the real property involved does not exceed 40 acres, the statement is binding upon all parties and conclusive as to compliance with the provisions of this part relative to the power to make a transfer, trust, and power of sale.
If the parameters of the trust indenture are not met (example: the subject property is 50 acres or $600.000.00) then it converts to a mortgage and treated as mortgage in foreclosure.

71-1-305 Trust indenture considered to be mortgage on real property A trust indenture is deemed to be a mortgage on real property and is subject to all laws relating to mortgages on real property except to the extent that such laws are inconsistent with the provisions of this part, in which event the provisions of this part shall control. For the purpose of applying the mortgage laws, the grantor in a trust indenture is deemed the mortgagor and the beneficiary is deemed the mortgagee.

71-1-321 Deeds of trust and trust deeds not invalidated The Small Tract Financing Act of Montana does not invalidate or preclude the use in this state of instruments, sometimes denominated deeds of trust, trust deeds, or trust indentures, which are not executed in conformity with this part, but in which a conveyance for security purposes is made to a trustee or trustees for the benefit of one or more lenders. Such instruments are considered to be mortgages and are subject to all laws relating to mortgages on real property. Every such instrument, recorded as prescribed by law, from the time it is filed for record is constructive notice of its contents to subsequent purchasers and encumbrancers.

(Montana DOT Package includes forms, guidelines, and completed examples) For use in Montana only.

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