Download Georgia Assent to Devise Forms

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Georgia Assent to Devise

Georgia Assent to Devise Image
Select County Where the Property is Located

Commonly, when people create their wills, they identify one or more individuals to supervise the distribution of their assets. The person who fills this role is called an executor. An executor uses an assent to devise to transfer real property from the decedent's estate to beneficiaries named in the decedent's will.

Under Georgia law, "title to property in the estate does not pass to the heirs or beneficiaries until the personal representative assents thereto" (OCGA 53-8-15).

Record the completed assent to devise, along with any necessary supporting documents, with the real property records of the appropriate county. This shows that the executor assents to the passing of title from the decedent to the beneficiary.

Consult an attorney with questions about the assent to devise form, or with any other issues related to probate in Georgia.

(Georgia Assent to Devise Package includes form, guidelines, and completed example)

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