Download Delaware Personal Representative Deed Forms

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Delaware Personal Representative Deed

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This form is for use by authorized personal representatives to convey real property.

The statutory form for a conveyance of real property in Delaware is a special warranty deed. In a personal representative's deed, the administrator or executor is the grantor, conveying all the title that the decedent had at the time of death to the grantee. The terms "grant and convey" warrant the title against the grantor and all persons claiming under the grantor (25 Del. Co. 121). In addition to requirements of a statutory deed, the personal representative's deed includes information about the decedent, including name, date of death, and information regarding the open estate.

The personal representative signs the deed in the presence of a notarial official and records the deed and all necessary supporting documents in the Recorder of Deeds office where the property subject to transfer is located.

Consult a lawyer with questions regarding personal representative's deeds or other issues with probate in Delaware.

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