Colorado Mechanics Lien Release

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Releasing a Lien in Colorado

Colorado law doesn't provide for any mandated documents to release a lien, so how can a claimant (someone who filed a claim for lien against a property owner) accomplish this? When a lien has been satisfied, or needs to be released for any other purpose, use a lien release form.

The lien release form contains information about the lien claimant, the underlying mechanic's lien, and the property charged with the lien. By recording the document, the clerk at the recorder's office can locate the original lien and mark it as "discharged."

Find Colorado's General Mechanic's Lien laws at C.R.S. 38-22.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you have specific questions about releasing a lien, please speak with a Colorado attorney.

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