Alabama Full Price Lien Notice

Alabama Full Price Lien Notice Image
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In Alabama, a full price lien is sought to secure the full price specified for any materials furnished on a construction job. To claim a full price lien, the full price lien notice must be provided to the property owner of record before materials are furnished on the job. Full price liens are available to prime contractors who have contracted directly with the property owner.

Under Ala. Code Ann. 35-11-210, before furnishing any material for use in the project, prime contractors must notify the owner or his or her agent in writing, of certain specified prices. Unless the owner formally objects, this preliminary notice reserves the prime contractor's right to a lien for the full price as specified in the notice, without regard to whether or not the amount of the claim for the material so furnished exceeds the unpaid balance due the contractor. If the owner objects to the prices, he must notify the prime contractor in writing before the material is used, that he or she will not be responsible for the price thereof. This allows both the contractor and the owner to understand the terms of the contract, and gives them an opportunity to discuss contentious points before the work begins.

The notice identifies the parties, the location where the work or improvement will take place, the nature of the materials or services, the expected costs, and relevant dates. Deliver the completed notice to the owner via both USPS First Class and Certified mail.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for the advice from an attorney. Please contact an Alabama attorney for any questions regarding mechanic's liens.

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