Tag: smart contracts
Can Blockchain Help Turn Vacant Buildings Into Homes Again? Baltimore Thinks So.
The city of Baltimore plans to record all its 13,000+ empty houses and townhouses on the blockchain. And it all started with Ebony Thompson’s class project.
Can We Record Deeds on the Blockchain?
Blockchain, the underlying technology of cryptocurrency, is a digital recording system, leading innovators to wonder if it could solve challenges in deed recording. The U.S. deed recording system is tried and true. At the same time, title defects and tangled titles are much too common. Additionally, deed fraud harms vulnerable homeowners.. What if our title…
Blockchain for Real Estate: It’s Coming.
If you’ve ever bought a house, condo, or co-op, you’ll know it’s a major process. Many joyful buys took a good deal of trudging through weeks of stressful communication challenges. The journey was loaded with people, paperwork, and fees. Why do we put ourselves through it? Because getting into the market is a key wealth-building…
Blockchain for Good: Can Smart Contracts Play a Community-Building Role?
Holding the deed to real estate is long associated with stability and financial security. What if some of that security could be shared by — and build up— communities? This article is a thought experiment. Let’s imagine how things could play out if local residents could invest small amounts in a building. How would this…