Tag: Redfin

  • Can We Use AI Instead of Real Estate Agents Yet?

    Can We Use AI Instead of Real Estate Agents Yet?

    Real estate sites use AI to offer cutting-edge listing searches. And lenders use artificial intelligence when sizing up an applicant’s financial strength. Tech-focused online lenders employ AI to help them approve or reject loan applications right away. Additionally, AI can automate various business tasks, thereby reducing the risk of fraud. But can AI manage a…

  • Look Out for These Bizarre Real Estate Listing Scams

    Nationwide, real estate scams siphon hundreds of millions of hard-earned dollars into the accounts of fraudsters. Some new and unusual scams can fool real estate professionals. Consider the use of AI by cutting-edge scammers. As the news show 60 Minutes recently noted, hackers now use artificial intelligence to copy someone’s voice, and have access to…