Tag: Property Boundaries

  • Is the Deed Still Good After Erosion?

    Is the Deed Still Good After Erosion?

    Boundaries of waterfront property can change. And today, more and more, homes near beaches or tidal rivers are losing land. The issue? Climate-related sea level rise. The impact? U.S. coastlines will see tides rise by about a foot between now and 2050, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That’s a century’s worth of…

  • Trees, Smoking, and Other Neighbor Troubles: What’s a Homeowner to Do?

    They say good fences make good neighbors. Perhaps we could add shrubs or trees, too. Fences and trees can helpfully separate one residential property from the next. Their presence can make boundaries obvious and clear-cut. Then again, their helpfulness depends on how homeowners personally experience them. Hedges or fencing can be poorly placed, making property…