Tag: Climate Risks

  • Starting Oct. 1st, Florida Sellers Must Disclose Past Flood Insurance Claims

    Starting Oct. 1st, Florida Sellers Must Disclose Past Flood Insurance Claims

    Home sellers in Florida: Look out for a new flood insurance disclosure rule. Effective October 1, 2024, you must tell prospective buyers if your home has ever had documented flood damage. Ask your Florida seller’s agent about the required flood disclosure — which the buyer must receive before signing the sales contract. Specifically, the declaration…

  • Climate Risks and Insurance: The Struggle Continues

    Insurance policies are getting pricier. There is no end in sight. Companies hope to limit payouts for weather damage linked to climate disruption. And so, as floods, storms and fires intensify, homeowners and buyers across the country should brace themselves for more than weather. Companies are shrinking coverage, hiking premiums, and raising deductibles. Something’s got…