Category: General

  • Transferring a Deed Without a Lawyer? Here’s What You Should Know

    Transferring a Deed Without a Lawyer? Here’s What You Should Know

    A deed, of course, is a legal document representing property ownership. But you might be wondering if an owner can transfer a deed to another person without a real estate lawyer. The answer is yes. Parties to a transaction are always free to prepare their own deeds. If you do so, be sure your deed measures up…

  • Sustainability: A Brief Guide to Green Homes

    Walkable neighborhoods, green buildings, energy efficiency, low-carbon living… they’re all going mainstream now. Sustainable real estate is no longer a mere preference or buzzword. It has evolved into a basic need, addressing climate-related sea level rise and flooding in cities such as Washington D.C. We know the tide is turning when investors screen properties for sustainability.…

  • Real Estate Taxes: Tips and Updates

    The new deadline for filing last year’s taxes is Wednesday, July 15, 2020. Time to review the current tax implications of owning a home. First, we need to itemize homeowner deductions if we decide to claim them on our federal returns. There are a number of deductions available, but if you’re like most homeowners, you…

  • 7 Common Title Problems in Real Estate Deals

    When you tour a home, a big question is whether “what you see is what you get.” Appraisers, home inspection professionals, and title companies help offer the answers. Through the title search, ownership of the land in traced back in time, showing current legal ownership, easements, and any notable issues.   Until the moment the…

  • Fintech and Proptech and Deeds… Oh My! Trends Shaping the Future of Real Estate

    Tech is transforming real estate at a speed that worries some and excites others. But many would agree that current real estate transactions trigger as much anxiety as joy. A deal can take months, with a string of third parties showering sellers and buyers with fees and paperwork. Those with inside knowledge have an edge…

  • Zeroing In: The “Subject To” Clause in Your Real Estate Deed

    The rights and restrictions that come with a real estate purchase can be complicated. The “subject to” phrase means the full story may not be visible within the four corners of a deed. Look for the phrase “subject to” in a deed. The deed might say: “Subject to all rights of way, easements and other…

  • Viral Fraud: More Deed Crime Targets in the Coronavirus Economy

    Well-known schemes are being repackaged for the time of COVID-19. Here’s an overview of how real estate fraudsters are approaching their targets — and how to avoid becoming one. Scams flare up during natural disasters and financial crises, so we can expect a spike in deed fraud in 2020 and beyond. Battered by the pandemic,…

  • Buying a Home? How Covid-19 Has Changed the Game

    COVID-19 has changed the real estate market. Understanding the recent changes can help buyers prepare for the transaction, and set reasonable home buying timelines. Here is an overview of changes in the buying process. We conclude with a 6-point checklist for the buyer coming into the market today. It’s springtime — always a great season…

  • Pandemics, Property Transfer Breakdowns… The Digital Real Estate Industry Is Coming

    The latest impetus to digitalize real estate might just turn out to be the tipping point. Practically overnight, COVID-19 is a defining element of our time. This hideous and deadly virus became a major challenge to the systems that carry us through our everyday transactions.

  • First-Time Home Buyer Pro Tips

    Thinking of buying your first home? First-time buying is exciting. It’s filled with the dreamy pleasure of beholding perfect kitchens, bedrooms and baths, and the cliff-hanger phone calls about your loan approval. (“We’re nearly there! I just need one more document…”) You’ll peruse home inspection results, negotiate the home price so you can re-do that floor, and, ultimately, you’ll…

  • Five Top Benefits of Owning a House or Condo

    Homeownership has its perks. Resolving to buy rather than to keep renting can be an excellent financial decision. Here, we take a look at five top benefits of going from renter to owner—and a few key things to consider before you make the move.

  • Buying Real Estate: Are the Generations Really Different?

    Are generations different in their approach to buying real estate? The fundamentals of buying real estate arguably haven’t changed, but financial and technological trends have. And with more people seeking houses than houses to be found, home prices have taken an upward path. Despite low mortgage rates, all first-time home buyers face a challenging market.

  • New Risks for Property Owners: Economic and Physical Effects of Climate Change

    This story, alas, is unfolding. Physical signs of a heating world and its shifting weather patterns appear in tropical storms and in sea level rise, in heat waves, droughts, and wildfires. The economic and physical impacts of climate change are making their mark on real estate.  Affected cities have already paid heavy costs in repairs and reconstruction, insurance premiums, and loss of trade and tourism. Real…

  • You Have the Deed and Keys to Your New Home. What About a Guarantee?

    A new owner of real estate receives a real estate deed. But what about a real estate deed warranty? What are the common deeds, and what assurances do different deeds make? Here’s what’s at stake for a new owner, depending on the deed involved in the real estate sale.  

  • Preferred Pronouns in Real Estate Deeds

    Corey McCann is closing on a condo. Corey has just one more question for the title company agent: I wonder why, in the definitions in the mortgage agreement for the recorder’s office, I’m called “Corey McCann, a single woman.” Only my name is relevant. I could understand declaring the single status—if there is a firm reason…