Category: General

  • Tax Deed Sales: Buying Homes by Paying Other People’s Taxes

    Ever heard those fantastic stories where the home buyer pays $10,000 and sells the house later for $200,000? You might be hearing about tax deed sales. They are not mere fantasies — but, as you might imagine, you are unlikely to be the only one attending an auction. By the time everyone’s done bidding, profit…

  • Very Superstitious? Selling the “Stigmatized” Property

    Stigmatized is an odd word to describe a perfectly good piece of property with a notable incident in its history. Indeed, stigmatized sounds like a pretty good deal, if you can buy a house at, say, a 10% discount because something happened in it. Perhaps the house was featured in a film and of abiding…

  • Resolving a Property Line Dispute in 5 Steps

    Sometimes, neighbors disagree on their boundary lines. Or one disagrees on how they can cross, or place something on, the other’s property. One might be claiming to have past permission to cross or use the contested space. Perhaps a prior owner didn’t tell a buyer about an agreement made earlier about a section of the…

  • Buying or Selling Your Home in 2021? Here Are Eight Great Real Estate Apps

    Today, more than half of all home buyers begin their search online. And no wonder. Real estate apps combine the ease of surfing the web with the mobility of a smartphone. Millions of properties are listed in dozens of apps. With so many options, where do you start? Here, we highlight eight good ones to…

  • 6 Life-Changing Ways AI Is Converging With Real Estate

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is here in a big way. It was already moving into the real estate sphere when the pandemic hit in 2020, and sped the uptake remarkably. It’s all about technology that mimics human learning, predictions, and decision making. Machine learning, for example, is a form of AI that enables systems to consider…

  • Succeeding With Contingent Offers in a Seller’s Market

    Can you get a home you’ll love on your terms? Here are the top strategies for success in the current seller’s market. Oh, to be a seller in places like Phoenix, Columbus, Seattle, Los Angeles or Sacramento! Sellers in these areas can count on a slew of offers — with some buyers simply waiving all…

  • The Home Stretch

    A Buyer’s Guide to Closing Like a Pro Buying a home? Getting to the finish line is a triumph, and you want to be ready for everything. Assuming all goes well through your closing day, you’ll hold the keys to your new property. This means completing: The home purchase, including the conveyance of the deed…

  • Here We Go Again, Homeowners: A New Rash of Deed Scams

    “I hate scams.” – Erica Jong Pass the word to those who need to hear it. Across the United States, official-looking letters are convincing homeowners to pay for documents to certify the obvious — that they own their homes. Homeowners who send payments in response to these letters are not receiving the documents for which…

  • You Can Buy a Tesla with Bitcoin. How About a House?

    Tesla will accept your Bitcoin when you buy your new self-driving car. Taking note, looked around — and yes, there are home sellers accepting cryptocurrency, too. Most of the homes that can be purchased with Bitcoin are in Florida, New York and California. But a few are popping up in the heartland. Exchanging a…

  • Mortgage Approvals: The New Landscape for Post-Pandemic Home Buyers

    It’s now obvious: the mortgage lending industry is forever changed. Here’s what happened — and what’s likely to come next. The Year of Minimum-Risk Lending Back in April 2020, we noted that mortgage lenders were getting tougher on loan applicants. Perversely, the borrowers who stood to benefit most from the low interest rates that led…

  • Types, Titles & Taxes: What to Know Before You Buy a Mobile Home

    Mobile homes are popular choices throughout the United States. They’re popular in Pennsylvania, big news in Florida, and in high demand across the southern, western, and midwestern regions of the country. They’ll likely do very well in the months ahead. In a pricey market, mobile home ownership (property tax included) is relatively inexpensive. Buying a…

  • Buying a Fixer-Upper: What Are the Best Financing Options?

    So, you’ve found a diamond in the rough. After major renovations, it will be the perfect home for you. What kind of financing will you need to make it happen? There are several ways to go here. Let’s check out the various rehab loans that can enable you to create and customize your future home,…

  • For Home Sellers: Capital Gains Tax 101

    Many people sell their homes for more than they cost in the first place. If you are in this fortunate situation, and your home has appreciated in value, you could be required to pay capital gain taxes — not on the whole sale, but on the profit your home has earned for you over time.…

  • Solving Title Problems for a Home with a Previous Foreclosure

    A foreclosure usually means a previous owner fell into default on the mortgage. When there’s an unpaid mortgage debt, the lender can put a lien on the property, and ultimately claim the property itself. Foreclosures can also happen due to a neglected tax lien, or some other kind of lien. But there’s just one question…

  • Rising Stars in Construction Tech: 3D Printed Houses

    3D printing technology, which applies robotic automation to materials, is making some notable inroads. Let’s take a brief tour of what’s out there. From the East Coast… Recently, a 3D printed house in New York was listed for about $300,000 on Zillow. The home is advertised as “a piece of history.” Yet its price is competitive…