California Now Requires Real Estate Deeds that are Subject to Transfer Tax Show the Tax Amount on the Face of the Deed

Documentary Transfer Tax (AB 1888)

Effective January 1, 2015, pursuant to Assembly Bill 1888, all California County Registrar/Recorder/County Clerk’s Offices will require that “EVERY document subject to tax that is submitted for recordation shall show on the face of the document the amount of tax due and the incorporated or unincorporated location of the lands, tenements, or other realty described in the document” before acceptance for recording.

The option to file a documentary tax declaration on a separate document has been removed, therefore, as of the above effective date, the Recorder will not accept “not for public record/NPR” or the “Declaration of Documentary Transfer Tax for Legal Entity Changes in Ownership” forms for this purpose.

The above requirements are in accordance and compliance with the legislative amendments made to Sections 11932 and 11933 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, relating to taxation, by AB 1888.

Available Compliant California Real Estate Deed Forms